THIS is American Idol.
And PAULA looks like a prom queen at the end of a rough night.
It's Neil Diamond night, y'all, and I've gotta tell ya that I've never been a very big fan. I'm more of a Manilow girl.
Ah, he's releasing a new album next week, which is why he's being featured on tonight's show, I guess. And p.s., he's old, huh?
Up first is Jason Castro, singing Forever in Blue Jeans. I may have mentioned that I really like me some Jason, but tonight I'm not into this performance.
David Cook - I'm Alive
I'm not feelin' it.
I hope I don't have a case of the crankies tonight. It's late, though, so I can't make any promises.
Brooke White - I'm a Believer
Did you know Neil Diamond wrote this song? Didn't the Monkees record it? Yes, I'm old. Anyway, my sweet Brooke is stinking it up. In my opinion. There were some really great spots, though, but stunk.
And there are the pinched lips.
David Archuleta - Sweet Caroline
Sort of like Brooke, there were great moments but weird ones, too. In his case, more great than weird, though. He actually looked enthusiastic for the first time in several weeks!
Syesha Mercado - Hello Again
Not a fan of the hair. Her voice sounds very pure and beautiful, but I'm not sure whether the song is spectacular. Tink liked it. Was she off for a minute at the key change? That was a key change, right?
Could I ask more questions tonight?
Okay, so feedback from the judges on everyone at once. I don't know what Randy said. Something like Castro, not so much; Cook, good; Brook, karaoke; Archuleta, the bomb, and Syesha, in the zone.
Now it's Paula's turn. She's giving Jason Castro feedback for two songs when he only sang one. This is crackin' me up, y'all. Ryan's lookin' off-stage like he wants someone to do something and Simon's just grinning into space. Randy tries to correct her and...WOW, is she HIGH!
Here we go with Round Two.
Jason Castro - September Morn
Sounds off in the beginning, but I love his voice on this song. Except when it's pitchy, which unfortunately it is. UGH. Never mind. It's awful. What do I know?
David Cook - All I Really Need is You
Not feelin' it. I guess this is his style, and it's pretty contemporary, but it's not for me. Okay, wait, cause the second half is sorta growin' on me.
But also, his hair is growin' out again, and did I mention in the beginning that I hated it? Yeah, hatin' it again.
Brooke White - I Am I Said
STUPENDOUS. This song is perfect for Brooke. Love it. I adore her voice when she's singing the right song. Seriously, may I gush? Because Brooke+the right song is such magic that it confuses me when she DOESN'T choose the wrong song.
David Archuleta - America
My first thought was that this song would be too big for him. So far, yeah, sounds like a high school choir performance to me, with a couple of great bright notes thrown in.
I think he always looks so zoned out when he's listening to the judges. And, by the way, the judges loved the performance. Of course.
Syesha Mercado - I Thank The Lord For The Night Time
I enjoyed it, but I bet the judges won't.
Randy? In the Zone.
Paula? Theatrical...huh? I love her.
Simon? Actress/Singer. May be in trouble tonight.
Conclusions? I loved Brooke's second performance, thought Syesha did well, and I definitely think Jason Castro needs to go this week. Jason's my Texas boy, y'all, but his time has passed.
What did you think?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
American Idol - April 29
Posted by
Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry
8:49 PM
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I have all my notes up on my blog.
Buh-bye Jason. Or Brooke. I don't care which. Paula is stinkin' hilarious.
I did my review. Then I read everyone else's and obviously I'm on some crack when it comes to Paula. I thought she seemed more sober than usual.
You crack me up.
I didn't get a post up - I didn't even get to watch either show until late last night after church.
I almost agree totally with you. Where I differ - I LOVED David Cook. Totally agree with your Brooke assessment - to a T on both songs - I couldn't have written that better myself.
I thought Jason did horrible (and I usually really like him) and really felt he should be the one to go home.
I liked Syesha - didn't love her, but really liked her.
I'm so ready for little David to go home - I'm incredibly bored with him - yeah, he can sing, but it's the same all.the.time. I'm over it.
I was so sad to see Brooke go home and Jason not even in the bottom! I really think he should have gone - both of his songs were bad and he was awful last week too. Brooke had a bad song and an incredible song - she should have been there one more week. Oh well.
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